Restarting Matlock CC Activities
Matlock CC Statement on Restarting Activities March 2021 The recent Government route out of lockdown has given us all some hope that we...

Youngsters Coaching at Whitworth Park
We are pleased to announce the return of our Go-Ride Youngsters Coaching at Whitworth Park. As you can probably guess a lot of work has...

Matlock CC Rides Restarting
Matlock CC Rides Restart Our Monday Easy Wheels rides will be restarting from Monday 7th September The rides will use a mixture of cycle...

Club Time Trials Restart
News that Matlock CC club time trials are returning with the first event the evening 10 mile event on Tuesday 14th July. A number of...

Club Statement On Restarting Activities
Hi everyone, we thought it was high time for an update on news and events around Matlock CC and our plans for the future following...

Matlock CC Suspend All Club Events
Matlock CC Suspend All Club Events Given the updated Government statement on non-essential travel and minimising contact with others and...

March Newsletter
The Matlock CC March 2020 newsletter is now available to download from the Club Website here. Club Membership renewal is now due. Please...

Young Riders Funding New Initiative
Matlock CC is proud to support our youth club riders when representing the club when racing at Regional and National Level. Should a...

Matlock CC East Midlands Youth Track Cluster
Heads up young riders and parents - the next Matlock CC Youth Track Cluster on Sunday 22nd March organised by Jules Brough and a team of...

February Newsletter
The Matlock CC February 2020 Newsletter is now available to view on the Club Website here. Membership renewal is now due. Please use the...