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'The East Beast' Winster Wakes Hillclimb Event 27th June

As part of the Winster Wakes festival week, the club are helping the organisers to hold a hillclimb - 'The East Beast' Winster Hillclimb - its on a road that we will close for the duration of the event with the agreement of the residents of Winster - please let everyone know about the event and lets have a great turnout - its a chance for a bit of fun as part of the festival! 'THE EAST BEAST' ­ EAST BANK, WINSTER CYCLE HILL TIME TRIAL DATE – Monday 27th June, 2016 TIME ­ Registration from 6.30pm onwards. Time Trial from 7.30 – 8.45pm. General conditions Sponsoring organisation – Winster Wakes Carnival, in collaboration with Matlock Cycling Club. Course – East Bank, Winster from The Old Bowling Green Inn to The Common adjacent to the children's swings below Wyn's Tor. Nature of terrain – Uphill through­out on a minor road adopted by Derbyshire County Council. Traffic – Residents are being requested to avoid road traffic movement between 7.20am and 8.45pm. The route selected will not disrupt traffic passing through Winster on the B5057. Personal safety – All junior riders (under 18) must wear a Protective Hard Shell Helmet and all adult riders are strongly recommended to wear similar head­gear. On registering riders will sign to agree that the hill trial is reasonable form of exercise for their state of current health. Junior riders­ Parental consent is required of all riders under the age of 18 years. Medical support­ St John's Ambulance is contracted to provide two accredited personnel during the event (7.15 – 8.45pm).

It is a club event and as it is on normal roads the rider has to be 12 and have a signed parental consent. Matlock CC time trial pass is acceptable and 12-18 Matlock CC riders are free but everyone else pays a special rate of £2 including guest riders from Winster.

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