'The East Beast' Winster Wakes Hillclimb Event 27th June
As part of the Winster Wakes festival week, the club are helping the organisers to hold a hillclimb - 'The East Beast' Winster Hillclimb - its on a road that we will close for the duration of the event with the agreement of the residents of Winster - please let everyone know about the event and lets have a great turnout - its a chance for a bit of fun as part of the festival! 'THE EAST BEAST' EAST BANK, WINSTER CYCLE HILL TIME TRIAL DATE – Monday 27th June, 2016 TIME Registration from 6.30pm onwards. Time Trial from 7.30 – 8.45pm. General conditions Sponsoring organisation – Winster Wakes Carnival, in collaboration with Matlock Cycling Club. Course – East Bank, Winster from The Old Bowling Green Inn to The Common adjacent to the children's swings below Wyn's Tor. Nature of terrain – Uphill throughout on a minor road adopted by Derbyshire County Council. Traffic – Residents are being requested to avoid road traffic movement between 7.20am and 8.45pm. The route selected will not disrupt traffic passing through Winster on the B5057. Personal safety – All junior riders (under 18) must wear a Protective Hard Shell Helmet and all adult riders are strongly recommended to wear similar headgear. On registering riders will sign to agree that the hill trial is reasonable form of exercise for their state of current health. Junior riders Parental consent is required of all riders under the age of 18 years. Medical support St John's Ambulance is contracted to provide two accredited personnel during the event (7.15 – 8.45pm).
It is a club event and as it is on normal roads the rider has to be 12 and have a signed parental consent. Matlock CC time trial pass is acceptable and 12-18 Matlock CC riders are free but everyone else pays a special rate of £2 including guest riders from Winster.