Club Treasurer and Auditor Vacancy
Club Treasurer Vacancy The role of Club Treasurer becomes vacant on 1 November 2018 and to ensure continuity we are looking for a new Treasurer now so that there can be a seamless transfer of responsibilities. The key roles are: -To be responsible for all club finances through ensuring adequate accounts and records exist -To ensure prompt banking of funding -To maintain up to date records of all transactions and records of income and expenditure - To prepare a Treasurers report for each management committee meeting -To prepare end of year accounts, presenting to AGM, management committee and independent examination each year. You will need to be prepared to: -Attend club committee meetings once every 2 months. -Be available, or have arrangements in place, to receive funds and make payments as required -Maintain accounts Enthusiasm and an aptitude for finance are seen as key qualities Full training and support from the current Treasurer will be available in the period before and after handover. If you are interested then please contact the Club Secretary (
Club Auditor Vacancy We have a vacancy for a Club Auditor - this is not a demanding role and just entails someone to reveiwe and sense check our club accounts (which are prepared by the Treasurer) If you are interested then please contact the Club Secretary (