March Newsletter
The Matlock CC March 2020 newsletter is now available to download from the Club Website here.
Club Membership renewal is now due. Please use the application form on the website or join online through the British Cycling website.
Saturday, 7th March Open Hilly 25 mile time trial using AH/2 course - Marshals volunteers are required – please contact Chris Mottram 01629 734996 if you can help.
The Young Riders Fund form is available on the website for you to make your claim towards costs in competing in the name of Matlock CC or your school in British Cycling or British Schools Cycling Association events covering Road, Track, Circuit, Cyclo-Cross or Mountain Bike from March 1st 2019 until February 28th 2020. It supports all young riders up to and including those in the Under 23 Year Age Category.