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Whitworth Park Youngsters Coaching


Do you have a youngster aged 4 to 11 wanting to do more cycling? This where you need to bring them - all welcome, just turn up with a bike in good working order and helmet please! Our aim is a fun, engaging and inclusive environment; where children from 3 to 12 can challenge themselves and grow in confidence.


Kids coaching takes place usually twice a month (see dates in the newsletters here or the calendar on the homepage) at 9.30 to 10:45am at Whitworth Park in Darley Dale. The activities are run by British Cycling qualified coaches and include basic riding skills, developing confidence with individual and team exercises and games. The children involved in these sessions range in age from around 4 to 12 and vary greatly in ability. The aim of each session is to improve the ability and confidence of young riders in challenging and fun ways.

Please check the club Facebook page or google calendar for dates.


Matlock CC Club Members only please!

Payment will be via an 'honesty box' at sign on - its £1 per rider per session - please note no change can be given!


We run a 3 group structure - Youngest (Bottom) / Middle / Eldest (Top). Guidance on groupings if you haven't been before is below; 


Youngest / Bottom Group - youngest riders starting out aged 3 and up - balance bikes and riders taking their first pedal strokes. Bikes with no gears.  Coaches are usually Tina / Maresa but others will be helping as necessary.

Middle Group - older up to age 7/8 able to ride but looking to improve on skills and techniques. Coaches are usually Rob / Jules but others will be helping as necessary. 

Top / Eldest Group - eldest age up to 12/13 looking to enhance riding  skills and techniques. Coaches are usually Martin / Andy but others will be helping as necessary.


If we think you may need to move group we will inform you and you can move for the next session - riders can't change during the session for safeguarding reasons.

For the sessions meet at the MCC Tent further into the Park.

Participants must not attend a ride or session if they have Covid-19 symptoms or feel ill.

Riders to use their own equipment - please check that your bikes and kit are clean and in good working order. Please check over your child's bike ahead of the session as Coaches may not be able to assist with mechanical issues.


Some more general things to be aware of around using the Park / Facilities:

The toilets in the Whitworth Park building are usually open - follow their guidance when you enter any of the buildings. 


Remember you may have to pay for Car Parking - follow the guidance on the signs.

Any questions please let us know through our contact email and the Club and Coaches are looking forward to seeing the youngsters on their bikes!


Please see our Facebook page for details of each event and any updates.


Before you bring your bike along please check over that all is in good working order. You could run a quick 'M Check' as the Coaches do with the youngsters at the start of their sessions - there is a link to a video here which guides you through this quick and simple process:

CTT M Check Video


or you can use this video from cycling charity Sustrans which shows more detail on how to check and adjust your bike:

Sustrans Bike Check Video



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